Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ascension Crisis

Your personality and your soul are in a continual interaction through the medium of thoughts and intuition.

The question is – Are you aware of it?

If you are unaware of this interaction between your soul and your personality, then this communication will be perceived by your five sensory personality through the density of doubt, fear and awareness.

If you are aware of this interaction from your higher self, be receptive to it, as this is your soul’s guidance for its desires and purpose need to be accomplished.

If you are aware but are not receptive to it, the guidance must come through the density of physical events, sufferings and crisis.

If your personality chooses to remain unaware, the awareness will come through crisis.

Awareness first enters into our consciousness through crisis. When we are slightly apart from our own pure soul energy, a crisis develops within us.  When our personality is unaware, it denies the guidance of our higher self and denies the intuition or any other guiding mechanisms given to us, human beings.

In such cases, awareness will be sent through physical events in our life.

Awakening did not have to include this pattern of crisis as a part of evolution. The Divine Order states that our species would move into wholeness at some point in evolution but how it moved to that wholeness in the course of evolution is left to be determined by the choices we make of how to channelize energy within the Earth School. Pain and sufferings, as also, these patterns of crisis were never meant to be in the flow of our evolution. It is the choices that our species made that lead us to this way of learning. Doubt was created and chosen as the major teacher through human choice itself. Our species chose this way of learning. Therefore, the karmic patterns of fear and doubt were set into motion.

Awakening into the need to touch something more, to touch one's spiritual energy system, is now a well-worn path that includes the experience of being physically powerless in the materialism of the world, before the soul reaches to its genuine power. In other words, the awakening of the personality has come to require the loss of a mate, or the loss of a job, or the death of a loved one, the collapse of a business or anything that leaves us physically powerless and turn inwards.

We are coming to the end of a grand cycle, a one hundred and twenty five thousand year old cycle and this is the reason why these things, within this moment in our evolution, are happening NOW.

Whatever is happening right now is timely. It is at its perfect time because it came to us at a time when our species is evolving beyond the five-sensory personality into a multi sensory personality, beyond learning through five exploration of our physical world, through authentic power and assistance from our non-physical Guides. 

We must remember that our five sensory personality is neither positive nor negative. It is just a tool of the soul to experience human life as a natural part of incarnation. It must be remembered that everything you are experiencing, every molecule around you, every thought in your mind, every action, every physical event including crisis is just a part of your individual evolution upon Earth.

We must remember that a five sensory personality is neither positive nor negative. It is just a tool of the soul to experience human life as a natural part of incarnation. It must be remembered that everything you are experiencing, every molecule around you, every thought in your mind, every action, every physical event including crisis is just a part of your individual evolution upon Earth. All that you are experiencing right now is timely and perfect because it is a part of your human experience here. Your Soul is experiencing a human body and it is evolving.

By being mentally outside a crisis, you can observe yourself going through a crisis. Pay attention, where you go weak and which parts inside you needs the strength of Light. Know that, all you need is within you.

You are the master of yourself.

Observe the crisis by being mentally outside it. Be the observer of yourself and the situation your personality is in, how it reacts and what needs to be focussed on. When you become the observer, you are at peace inside, the crisis is outside you.
The crisis you are going through will release patterns of negativity, of doubt and fear, that are no longer necessary for who we are and what we are becoming. This perspective will support the choice to learn through Universal Love and wisdom.

Challenge your fears. Each time you feel negative, stop, acknowledge that you are, and discharge it consciously. Ask what you are feeling and what is at the root of it. Go for the root of it in that instant and as you work to pull the root, simultaneously look at the positive side of the same situation. Trust allows experience of bliss. When you trust that the Universe in each moment is providing for the needs of your soul, and that non-physical guidance is always available to you, you will leave aside the heavier frequencies of manipulation, protectiveness and fear. Remind yourself of the greater truth that there is something spiritually profound at work, that your life is no accident, that you are under contract.

Awakenness is a blissful state, not a painful one. It is blissful, fully balanced and lovingly harmonious. It is abundance of love for all creation. It is playful and it is all these things and so much more! It is the vertical path of clarity.

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”
 - Buddha

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