Wednesday, August 3, 2011

HeART & Soul - The Emerging Awareness of Spiritual Art

Artist: Prof. Sudhakar Chavan
For Pune Mirror, Times Group.

Art being a form of true expression of one’s heart and mind, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that an artist lives through his painting. Is it our time to taste the spiritual essence of it all?

When Pune Mirror rendezvoused with National Level Senior Artist, Prof. Sudhakar Chavan, he pointed out that there is a huge international market for paintings and sculptures that depict spiritual emblems and forms. “From past 8 to 10 years, we have seen many people from all over the world are captivated by images of Buddha. In England, he adds, there is a widespread demand for Indian flavour in the art scene. Images of Shiva – Shakti and Ganesha receive high acclaim in the UK art scene.”

Marrying spirituality with art is not something we can do on surface level. One needs to tap into his inner feelings to seek its true meaning. The Buddha represents the end of all sorrow. The Bodhi Chakra used in numerous artworks is a spiritual symbol that stands for the last step of enlightenment. Sudhakar Chavan who has been working on the theme of social exploitation, believes that it is not the outer appearance of a painting but the inner voice of the artist that adds spirit to his art. He further explains, “You might see the image of Buddha and call it spiritual. But the image of a socially exploited animal and what the artist experiences from within as he paints on his canvas, straight from his heart, is when spirituality truly connects with art.” In other words, spirituality in art, is not about the things that you see outside, but more about feeling what you’re seeing within you.

"Santulan", Artist: Sunil Balkawade

Geometric murals, spiritual symbolism of Egyptian pyramids, conversion symbol, and Sanskrit mantras are widely used in figurative Tantric art. Sunil Balkawade, a research artist, recently made a Meditation Yantra in one of his paintings. Ever since his childhood, he had his one foot in art and the other in spirituality. His artwork is based on his inner feelings and his extensive research on spirituality, inner transformation and working of the universe. ‘Chitrukunishad', his new series, is a combination of impressionism and abstract, and is based purely on his understanding of the Upanishads. He explains, “That which we cannot see is the abstract form of art, that which we can see and experience within us is the impressionism form of art. Realistic art is based on what we see in the outer world. Surrealism is the extreme form of realistic art and I work with a combination of it all.” When asked about the meditation yantra he recently made, he said, “It is something that I created from the purity of my heart and very few people are aware of the power of such spiritual art. It does have an effect on the environment.” 

Bharti Mate, from Tao Arts calls her new project, ''The World of Rangavali”, a reservoir of positive energy, peace and happiness. The floor Rangavali which has a stint life, is conditioned and it is permanently blended to the canvas.

Cosmic Mandala Rangavali Dry Fresco, Artist: Bharti Mate, Tao Arts, Pune.

While the buyers of contemporary spiritual art are many in the international market, they are segmented into investment buyers, and those who buy it for their personal liking. Priya Pawar from Art2Day says,"We have a mixed audience, There are some art collectors who regularly visit art events and then there are doctors, surgeons, IT professionals, jewellers and corporates who have the eye for art and the moolah to buy it. We have exceptional artists, state-of-the-art galleries and a plethora of buyers from all walks of life." It is quite disappointing to admit that many of us still lack the right awareness of what spiritual art brings with it. To this, Prof.Chavan, having practiced art through meditation, says, “Visionary art workshops should be encouraged in which, the artists are allowed to meditate and indulge into the art that comes from the visions of their own minds, not from what they see in the world outside.” The awareness must first penetrate into the artist’s mind, before one can expect the art viewers to be aware of the meaning behind spiritual art.

Whether you contemplate art as a tool to awaken your peace of mind, or to a`la mode your personal space, it still manages to convince us of its spiritual existence, however, it now lies in the eye of the observer whether or not to see the depths in both the painting and the artists' mind.

Creative Commons License AV's Avilicious by Avanika Mote is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

...and white skirt ☼ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥ ♪

Blue skies,
Open your hazel eyes,
Crisp breeze;
Yellow honey
Its fragrance.
Flows the water
Shines the sun
Feels the grass
And love got its chance!
See through their sheen
A feel, that of satin.
A note, A rhyme.

The wave takes a leap
And the palms,
Ring a bell
The music in my mind
Takes me away,

Time stops for a moment
And it's finally our time!
Was it the blue skies?
And did the sun shine?

Creative Commons License AV's Avilicious by Avanika Mote is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Esoteric Agenda - A Documentary Every Single Person Must Watch!

The Esoteric Agenda is the most authentic documentary on the current Spiritual Movement, Mayan Prophesy, the role of Governments, the Illuminati, the Ancient Aliens, the current situation and how you and only you can change it and seek the path of universal love and freedom. The Esoteric Agenda is a GRAND WAKE UP CALL for the entire population of the planet Earth. This is not something that you watch and forget the next day! It goes deep into the rabbit hole of human existence and how it is controlled and manipulated to keep you trapped. According to the research done by the makers of this documentary, the New World Order has targeted a population control from 6 billion to 500 million and that's 90% reduction in today's population. The documentary goes into the details of how this Government Agenda of the New World Order is now being implied to you, me and every single human being on this planet. 

But this does not mean we should be frightened. This documentary teaches you the path of self-empowerment and shows you the most shocking ULTIMATE TRUTH of what's going on in our world today. The only way to face it and seek the freedom is to choose the path of Love and Compassion for all there is and embrace your deepest fears. We need to be ONE as we truly are in nature.

Have you ever wondered where the pulse inside our heart comes from? The pulse that is the biological proof of our existence comes from our Planet Earth and our planet receives it from the Universe. This is how everything is connected biologically. We need to realize this oneness and stand together. Knowledge is the only key!

As a fellow human being, another you, it is our SINCERE request to please share this documentary with everyone around you. That's the least you can do to save this planet and all you can give and all that can heal is LOVE.



You can also DOWNLOAD this documentary: CLICK HERE

Creative Commons License AV's Avilicious by Avanika Mote is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Spiritual Awakeness - My Message

It's been a great time last thirty days. I didn't realize any gap between the end 2010 and the beginning of 2011...To me its been a time of creating my reality and then celebrating it. The blog-work has kept me busy and I had developed a less expressive style of communication with all of you, my Angels. I thought it's been a while since I last expressed my inner self...the thoughts that I have been pondering upon and the feelings that I have been sensing. In fact, I don't remember the last time I started writing without referring to any other source or website :-P 

When I step out of myself and observe my human personality, the first thing I realize : It is beautiful to be a human. This is when I connect with my body and I feel extremely grateful for the five senses given to me. I remember one year back, my personality could not feel and think the same. This is when I realize not just knowledge, wisdom is the key too. The first six months of my transformation have been all about a quest for knowledge and continuous contradictions, synchronicity, psychic experiences and visitations. A path of self discovery followed and I started fitting myself in one of these labels : Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows and Starseeds. I had started following certain theories and creating new ones too. I was aware yet I had doubts. Every time I had a doubt, I trusted my intuition and did what  my higher self asked me to do. When I was in full tune with my intuition, I have discovered myself as a full time lightworker at times and even a couch potato munching for hours, some other times! But when you carry the light of wisdom within you, you realize that all of it is perfect. It is perfect because it was your intuition that guided you. It was perfect because you carried pure love within your heart while you did it...whether it was about spreading knowledge or simply sitting to music on my couch all day! How can anything be not right when it is done with pure love and light for all there is?

So, here's the thing, for all my fellow lightworkers - taking a break in a while is a good thing when your intuition inclines you towards it! Trust your inner feelings. It is your higher self that needs your personality to explore your depths and discover more. I have realized that being with your own self without feeling lonely is the key. I resonate a lot with what Osho says: Loneliness and Aloneness are two completely different states of being. Loneliness is when you are always missing the "other". Aloneness is the wholeness. Loneliness is negative, an absence; aloneness is positive, a presence. Aloneness is like a peak, standing alone tremendously beautiful! 

Aloneness is the joy of being with yourself and in this very great shift, we release what we no longer require to grow further. In this great shift, those who were once very close, now seem to drift away and we often disappoint ourselves as a result. But believe me, everything, literally, everything is going just perfect. It is perfect because you still hold the same love and compassion for those who have drifted away as you come to this realization of the greatest love - Love for all there is! It is perfect because you no longer require the interference of their energies for what you are becoming.

It is perfect because even with that knowledge, you still hold the same love for them, (and for a fact) even in higher degrees! Release with each breathe what you no longer require and fill it in with all your love and light.

When we follow our intuition, the air seems to be so much lighter. The world seems to look at you with a smile. Isn't this our own self being reflected back at us? I'm often asked how do we know that we are following our intuition. Well, there's no such thing, no such set of rules on "how-to-follow-your-intuition". Following your heart is the key! Trust your inner voice and signs will follow.

Today, after an experience that was close to life-changing, I have realized that I don't need any such labels like Indigos or Rainbows. It was a part of what all I released. There's a lot of knowledge out there and there's limitless space, limitless consciousness, nothingness, at the peak of aloneness and I am nothing more than one micro point of awareness that might have existed before the big-bang, or the creation, so to speak. And as I say this, I completely open my heart for all there is, and promise to operate from a place of pure love as that of our divine imagination.


Creative Commons License AV's Avilicious by Avanika Mote is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.
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