Firstly, I wish all the readers a wonderful year ahead...Cheers to the good times shared in 2009...and let's get busy making some new ones in 2010!
I am extremely sorry for being missing on my blog for so long.
I had written two articles for the month of December but their final editing took a lot of time and ultimately got delayed.
Besides, for the first time ever, I actually experimented to write an article. There is an article coming up which is titled "Walking Aimlessly". For this particular article, I actually went out, walked aimlessly on the streets of Pune to experience what it is to walk aimlessly and what one can actually learn from it.
Besides, December has been a month that gave me the best of all the worlds. I could believe, 2009 kept the best for the last, if I had to talk about the month of December!
So, stay hooked for more articles!
And a sincere bunch of thanks to all the "Followers" for your great support.
Avanika Mote.