Through all the times we've shared,
Through all the memories we've made,
The people we've seen and
With the folks we've been,
The places we've gone
And those parties till the dawn;
Those sleepless nights,
And some high times
Those tiffs and those fights...
Today have turned in to much more than blood ties....
And somethings we have never realised,
Things unsaid,
Running in our heads,
A feeling misconstrued.
Ain't no place for distance,
You and me chilling together,
The next instance!
Those girl-guy gossips,
Bitching bout secrets,
And those moments captured
Of mere togetherness,
I swear, my friends,
I'll cherish, every bit of it,
All my life,
'Cause those sweet smiles
Never move on with time!
So for all the times we've shared,
And for all the moments we've made,
Our friendship out stands
All the love,
God would've ever cared.
AV's Avilicious by Avanika Mote is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.